About Valentino

About Valentino

My second child, Valentino, was born with Cystic Fibrosis.  Since neither I nor my husband knew we were carriers of the CF gene, it was hard to believe the diagnosis could be right.  At two months old, the symptoms were unmistakeable.

When we met with the doctor, it was like being plunged into icy water. My breath stopped. I felt strangled with fear and un-knowing. I forced the tears down until I could drop my new baby and his 3 year old brother off with my Mother.

When the tears came, it felt as if I would never be able to stop. 

Because I have worked for 7 years with my Mom in her clinic for Traditional Chinese Medicine,  I had access to a lot of support and encouragement that other parents don’t get. Yet, in spite of my experience with the healing power of acupuncture, herbs and bio-energetic medicine, I was weak with fear.

Valentino is 3 months old now, and while I still have days where I worry about what lies ahead for him, I am able to enjoy his baby ways–his brightness, his cooing as he finds his voice–without the steely cold grip of fear.

We’re keeping this blog to share with you our experiences using a balance between Eastern and western medicine; our experiences with his symptoms and figuring out which ones we should freak out about and which are normal.  I believe it is this balance of treatments, and the wonderful team of healers that help us,  that have assuaged my fears, made him the healthy baby he is today, and brought our family closer together.

Our hope is that you will find in this blog encouragement in handling your child’s CF diagnosis, and ideas for treatment of CF in your child.

Tiffany & Valentino


  1. Jennifer Scholes 15 years ago

    Tiffany and Valentino, this is your aunt/great-aunt Jennifer. I was so glad to find these postings with details of Valentino’s life! He is so very loved, maybe the best healing gift of all.

  2. Suzanne Unger 14 years ago

    Tiff, I can’t believe it. I saw you at the clinic not too long after Valentino was born–you looked lovely and I had no idea you and your family were struggling with this. You must have been worried sick about him. Let me say… Valentino is a very lucky little guy to be born into your family–you are able to help him in ways other children with CF might not ever experience. I think the idea of the blog is an excellent idea. You’ll be able to document different treatments that help and others will benefit from your knowledge.
    I am fervent believer in the power of a mother’s love to achieve great things when her child’s health is at stake. It began years ago when I saw a movie called “Lorenzo’s Oil”– a true story about a mother who discovered a treatment for her child’s devastating illness when the medical community had no answers for her. It was an incredibly uplifting and empowering movie. (the treatment had something to do with the fatty acids in olive oil!) Watching it causes you to realize that there are answers out there that can help your child. And you suddenly realize –you are not at the mercy of doctors who are all too busy and usually following some protocol that was developed decades ago! Most of them can’t fathom the idea of treating a whole person, not just their disease. Yes, Valentino is very blessed to have you! I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers!

  3. Tiffany Ana 14 years ago

    Hi Suzanne,
    Thank you so much for your post. I am going to look into “Lorenzo’s Oil.” I LOVE to hear stories like that about mother’s taking charge and helping to heal their children. It’s always so inspiring and keeps me going on that same path of trying various treatments and remedies that might help Valentino.

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