Mother’s intuition vs. medical system

Mother’s intuition vs. medical system

Navigating the western medical model while also listening to my own intuition regarding Val’s health is a trying task.

I have been very hesitant to give Val the vaccinations at the pace the pediatrician and specialist would like. I have him started on vaccinations but am behind on the entire list of “required” vaccinations.

Because of my determination to space out the vaccinations, our pediatrician sent a letter withdrawing from Val’s care. The specialist  also is upset and angry that we are without a pediatrician and that we are behind on his vaccinations.

I have seen Val take in a lot of medications already at only 16 months old: creon, antibiotics, steroids, albuterol, and laxatives. I feel that it would be dangerous and careless to assume that his nervous system would be able to handle vaccinations without some type of repercussions.

I’m not entirely refusing vaccination. And I don’t ever go against recommended treatment regimines for Val.

Yet when I raise questions about the safety of the vaccinations I am met with hostility instead of information. Should there not be any discourse regarding my child’s treatment plan? Should I not have a say in what goes into his body and the pace at which it happens?

I am the one who goes home with him and watches him daily and knows his breathing, his digestion, his moods and his response to his medications. So why should I not be allowed a voice in his treatment plan?

1 Comment

  1. Suzanne Unger 14 years ago
    above is a link with waiver forms for vaccination excemption for school, even though that’s a long way off for Valentino, I thought you might like to know the state acknowledges your right to decide when and if your child is vaccinated…and your pediatrician knows this! Stand strong! You know what your child needs!
    When they first came out with Hepatitis B vaccine, my Bridget was in an age group to first receive it. I refused because 1) it was entirely to new and 2) There was no way she was going to get Hep B since it is contracted in much the same way as HIV! The pediatrician threw a fit! When I later told my family doctor (who was in the same medical group) about the incident he said that he had refused to give it to his kid for the same reason!

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